30 Items
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- Subject is exactly "public information"
Screwworm Rearing Facility, Pacora, Panama
Description: Downloaded from APHIS Web site, http://www.aphis.usda.gov/msd/eng-scworm.html on January 28, 2000
Date: 2000-01-28
Screwworm Eradication Program Initiates Shift to Panama
Description: Downloaded from APHIS Web site, http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/press/1999/05/flyplant.txt on January 28, 2000
Date: 1999-05-13
USDA Recognizes Nicaragua as Screwworm Free
Description: Downloaded from APHIS Web site, http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/press/1999/11/screwwor.txt, on January 27, 2000
Date: 1999-11-23
El Ultimo Jalon
Date: 1984-12
Screwworm Eradication Program: Field Reports and Surveys Key to Final S. E. Screwworm Eradication
Description: Excerpt from "Screwworm Eradication in Florida: A Review of Progress and New Developments, 1958-1959," February 1960
Date: 1958-11
Evaluation of the Mexican-American Screwworm Eradication Program in Mexico: Impacts and Implications of Screwworm Reinfestations in Mexico
Description: Title page- 32
Creators: Ozuna, Jr.,, Ernest E. Davis, Lonnie L. Jones, Ronald D. Lacewell, John E. Jinkins, Clifford E. Hoelscher
Date: 1985
Southwestern Screwworm Eradication Program
Description: Conclusions and recommendations section only
Creators: Eden, Charles Lincoln
Date: 1974-09-04
Screwworm Stronghold Attacked
Date: 1963-01
Smear 62 Curbs Spread of Screwworm and Livestock Losses
Description: Research Achievement Sheet 15(E)
Date: 1945-01-08