How to Win Poultry Prizes: Plain Directions for Mating, Rearing and Exhibiting Prize Show Fowls
How to Win Poultry Prizes: Plain Directions for Mating, Rearing and Exhibiting Prize Show Fowls
Man is combative, fond of emulation, and ever on the alert to possess something new. These peculiarities show themselves in various ways : sometimes in the display of dress or equipage, sometimes in trials of personal strength or endurance, and in other cases we see only a generous and good-natured competition about the possession of some desirable and useful article of property. This rivalry often causes genuine improvement in live stock, and results in benefit to all parties concerned.
A high civilization may unfit people for the enjoyment of a bull-fight, and any man with a cultivated intellect and good moral qualities will turn with disgust from a competition between men striving to "get outside'' of the greatest number of eggs or oysters ; but a refined and enlightened man may enjoy competition with others in the possession of the best horses, cattle or poultry.
We have written this book with special reference to those persons — increasing in number every year — who have a laudable desire to win prizes in our American Poultry Exhibitions, and to them we respectfully submit its pages.
A high civilization may unfit people for the enjoyment of a bull-fight, and any man with a cultivated intellect and good moral qualities will turn with disgust from a competition between men striving to "get outside'' of the greatest number of eggs or oysters ; but a refined and enlightened man may enjoy competition with others in the possession of the best horses, cattle or poultry.
We have written this book with special reference to those persons — increasing in number every year — who have a laudable desire to win prizes in our American Poultry Exhibitions, and to them we respectfully submit its pages.
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