Standard-Bred Orpingtons, Black, Buff and White
Standard-Bred Orpingtons, Black, Buff and White
Their Practical Qualities; The Standard Requirements; How to Judge Them; How to Mate and Breed for Best Results, With a Chapter on New Non-Standard Varieties
Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company
American Poultry Publishing Company
This breed book, devoted to the Orpington race of domesticated poultry, is the first and most complete of its kind published in America. England has produced many Standard-bred varieties of superior merit and surpassing beauty in the past, but we have no hesitation in stating that its newest production, the Orpington, is the most universally popular breed ever originated in Great Britain. Not only in England, but in Australia, Canada, and the United States as well, are Orpingtons enjoying unbounded popularity. The intrinsic merit of the Orpington fowl for utilitarian purposes, its commanding size and solid type, combined with beauty of plumage, are invaluable assets that assure its permanent popularity.
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