Standard-Bred Leghorns: Brown, White, Buff, Black and Silver Duckwing. Their Origin and History and Practical Qualities. The Standard Requirements. How to Mate and Breed for Best Results.
Standard-Bred Leghorns: Brown, White, Buff, Black and Silver Duckwing. Their Origin and History and Practical Qualities. The Standard Requirements. How to Mate and Breed for Best Results.
Reliable Poultry Journal Publishing Company. Quincy, IL
American Poultry Publishing Company
This new breed book, devoted to the Leghorn race of domesticated poultry, is published at a time when thousands of poultry raisers are taking up the different varieties of Leghorns for the purpose of supplying the ever-increasing demand for white eggs — a demand not local, but extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast and from the Dominion of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. To the splendid achievement of American breeders in giving to the poultry industry the Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes and Rhode Island Reds, must be added the Leghorns. All varieties of the latter, excepting the Buffs and Duckwings, originated in the United States, and the high standard of perfection that the Browns, Whites, Blacks — and we might add the Buffs — have reached today, is due to the intelligence and perseverance of American Leghorn breeders.
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