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Our ultimate goal is to change perceptions and behavior regarding responsible antibiotic use among our many stakeholders from producer to consumer. The goals of this integrated proposal are to offer tools and training in formal and informal teaching settings to help keep cattle healthy so that less antibiotics are used, thereby mitigating the risk for selection and transmission of antimicrobial resistant bacteria through food. Our specific objectives to meet these goals are:Objective 1) Promote a culture of responsible antibiotic use among 4H and other youth, cattle producers, and veterinarians. To complete this extension objective, we will provide tools and training to help these stakeholders provide a system of care, consistent with responsible antibiotic use principles, that keep cattle healthy and productive with less use of antibiotics.4H youthPublish a 4H project on animal careDevelop a website with updated resources on animal care to support the animal care projectDevelop a free electronic cattle health database for recording health and performance of cattle in 4H projectsCattle ProducersDevelop a confidential cloud-based animal health database for recording health and performance of cattle using smartphone interface (minimal fee for maintenance)Populate a website to support and download the cattle health database, and provide antibiotic stewardship educationOffer local training programs to cow-calf and stocker cattle producers on beef quality assurance, including how to use antibiotics responsibly and how to use health records to keep cattle healthyVeterinariansDevelop a confidential cloud-based animal health database for recording health and performance of cattle using smartphone technology (veterinary access to client records with permission)Develop a website to support and download the cattle health database, and provide antibiotic stewardship educationOffer training programs to US veterinarians on antibiotic stewardship, and using health records to keep cattle healthyObjective 2) Prepare a veterinary workforce to help livestock producers in rural communities improve animal health and well-being, protect the safety and security of the food supply, promote public health, and improve profitability, with less use of antibiotics. To complete this education objective we will:Provide additional clinical opportunities for veterinary students to gain practical experience and applied problem solving in population medicineOffer advanced training opportunities to population medicine residents and graduate students

Smith, D. R.
Mississippi State University
Start date
End date
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Accession number