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Training Objectives and Activities: I want to emerge from my doctoral training as a leader in ecological research with a competitive portfolio of communication and teaching experiences. My research objectives are to 1) progress from intermediate to advanced in chamber methods for measuring soil greenhouse gas emissions; and 2) broaden my professional network across and beyond the nation. To reach these goals, I will 1) deploy a Fourier Transform Infrared Analyzer to measure soil greenhouse gas emissions in two laboratory experiments; and 2) present at state (PA DCNR Riparian Forest Buffer Summit), national (North American Agroforestry Conference), and international (2022 European Agroforestry Conference) conferences. Metrics of success include publication of two manuscripts using data from chamber methods and presentations in at least two conferences. My teaching and communication objectives are to 1) practice engaging directly with agricultural landowners, and 2) translate my communications experience into curricular development. To gain communication experience, I will 1) complete PSU's science outreach course (SC 451, Spring 2022) to hone the skills I need to design and enact impactful agricultural outreach; and 2) demonstrate a riparian buffer to landowners at PSU's Ag Progress Days (Aug. 2022 & 2023), an agricultural exposition that regularly attracts >40,000 attendees of which >60% hold agricultural professions. To gain teaching experience, I will 1) complete the PSU Graduate School Teaching Certificate, and 2) create and teach a technical writing class (ERM 297, Fall 2022) to help Environmental Resource Management undergraduates effectively communicate with agricultural scientists and landowners (see Dr. Robert Shannon's Support Letter). My writing degree and years as a writing tutor uniquely position me to create such a class. Metrics of success include outreach course and teaching certificate completion, and individual impact scores from outreach and teaching surveys (see Section 4. Evaluation Plan).Research Objectives:Specifically, my objectives are to (1) estimate N pollution swapping from edge-of-field riparian buffers across time; (2) explore how tree root physiology modifies N2O emissions from buffers; and (3) link species' root physiology to relative N2O:N2 emissions in a greenhouse study.

Kopp, M.
Pennsylvania State University
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