USDA History Collection
Series IV. Annual Reports and Directories, ca. 1905-1990.
CONTAINER LIST | Scope and Content Note || Collection Map
[Preliminary List. Arranged chronologically for each agency.]
[Box 4/1]
Bureau of Animal Industry 1905, 1939-1953
Bureau of Dairy Industry 1939-1953
Bureau of Plant Industry (...Soils, etc.) 1939-1951
Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering 1939-1942
Bureau of Agricultural & Industrial Chemistry 1943-1953
Chief of Office of Agricultural Experiment Stations 1940-1943
Agricultural Experiment Stations 1943-1958
Agricultural Research Administration 1950-1953
Chief of Office of Farm Management
Farm Management & Farm Economics 1916-1922
Bureau of Markets & Crop Estimates 1922
Bureau of Agricultural Economics 1923-1925
Director of Office of Marketing Services 1945
Administrator of Surplus Marketing Administration 1941
Administrator of Agricultural Marketing Administration 1942
Chief of Agricultural Marketing Services 1939-1941
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Administration of the Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933-1935
Activities of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration 1936-1940
Administrator of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration 1941
Administrator of the Agricultural Conservation & Adjustment Administration 1942
Chief of the Agricultural Adjustment Agency 1942-1945
Associate Administrator of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in charge of the Division of Marketing & Market Agreements, and the President of the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation 1939
Administrative Official in Charge of Surplus Removal & Marketing Agreement Programs 1940
Solicitor to the Secretary of Agriculture 1948
Administrator of the Production & Marketing Administration 1946-1953
Production & Marketing Administration National Conference 1947
Administrator of the Research & Marketing Act 1948
Activities under the Research & Marketing Act 1949-1951
Activities under the Agricultural Marketing Act 1952
Administrator of the Resettlement Administration 1937
Director of Personnel 1937-1953
Librarian 1946
Chief of the Soil Conservation Service 1940-1953