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Dose-Response Modeling for Microbial Risk Assessment


<ol> <li>To evaluate existing dose-response models for microbial risk assessment.
<li>To develop improved models for estimating probabilities of infection and disease.
<li>To develop methods for incorporating model uncertainty into microbial risk assessment.</ol>

More information

FY 2000 Accomplishments: <ol><li>One paper on a new approach to incorporating model uncertainties for risk assessment was accepted for publication.
<li>One paper on statistical models for microbial risk assessment has been submitted for publication.
<li>An invited paper was presented at the Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society.
<li>An invited talk was presented at the Toxicology and Risk Assessment Approaches for the 21st Century. <li>Recruited ORISE post doc.</ol>
FY 2001 Plans: <ol> <li>Continue research on dose-response modeling of microbial risk assessment.
<li>Evaluate the approach to incorporating model uncertainties in risk estimation.</ol>

DHHS/FDA - National Center for Toxicological Research
Project number