<ol> <LI> The construction of a complete and definitive gene array for S.typhimurium based on its genomic sequence <LI> Creation of a microarray of a selected set of chicken genes involved in host response to Salmonella infections. <LI> Optimised procedures for the preparation of RNA, labeling and hybridisation for the Salmonella and chicken gene arrays<LI> Gene expression profiles for S.typhimurium growing under different nutrient and redox conditions <LI> Gene expression profiles for strains containing known mutations in genes affecting growth and virulence <LI> Gene expression profiles for S.typhimurium genes and host genes expressed during adhesion and invasion of host cells <LI> Gene expression profiles for S.typhimurium genes and host genes expressed in interactions between macrophages and S.typimurium
Microarray Analysis of Gene Function and Host Interaction in Salmonella Typhimurium (Salarray)
Institute for Animal Health
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