The FSA has commissioned Campden BRI, in collaboration with Glasgow University, to undertake a study which will assess the best way to detect hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pork meat and pork products. There is a need to address the lack of standardised methods for detection across industry, so researchers aim to optimise elements of existing HEV extraction and detection methods which could be easily integrated into food laboratories capable of performing virus related work. The need for a standardised method to extract and detect HEV from foods has also been identified as a key priority at the joint FSA-EFSA foodborne viruses research workshop held in 2016 (Price?Hayward and Hartnell, 2016). Between 1/1/201016 there was an increase in non-travel HEV cases, with evidence
suggesting a possible link between HEV cases and consumption of undercooked pork and pork products. There remains significant evidence gaps on HEV and key to gaining a better understanding is the development of a standardised and reliable HEV detection method. It is envisaged that the developed system will be put forward as a suitable candidate for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification as a standard method.
Optimising extraction and RT-qPCR-based detection of hepatitis E virus (HEV) from pork meat and pork products
Glasgow Caledonian University;jorvik Food and Environmental Virology Ltd (jorfev)
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