The objectives of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure are as follows:
1. identify current best modelling frameworks/techniques suitable for assessing the risk of pathogen introduction and establishment and the risk of pathogen transmission and spread
2. create an inventory of the current modelling frameworks/techniques suitable for assessing the risk of pathogen introduction and establishment and the risk of pathogen transmission and spread
3. assess the applicability of identified modelling frameworks/techniques from areas other than animal health for assessing the risks of pathogen introduction and establishment and the risk of pathogen transmission and spread
4. develop a checklist for documenting the process of selecting modelling frameworks/techniques for EFSA opinions in the area of animal health risk assessments
5. adapt applicable modelling frameworks/techniques from areas other than animal health and compare them with modelling frameworks/techniques from the animal health area via simulations.
Review and inventory of modelling frameworks/techniques suitable for assessing the risk of pathogen introduction and establishment and the risk of pathogen transmission and spread.
The James Hutton Institute
National Academies - Health & Medicine Division
Start date
End date
Funding Source
Project number