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Two-Year Degree in Food Science: Production to Consumption


Implementation of the proposed program will accomplish the following four overall objectives:<OL>
<LI> More students will have basic knowledge in biological systems, chemistry elements, and raw product production needed to enter the food industry workforce. <LI> More students will have soft skills such as written and oral communication and team building needed to enter the food industry workforce. <LI> More students will have background in food microbiology, quality control, product evaluation and food chemistry needed to transfer to four-year programs. <LI> The region's food industry will have a workforce that is more available and more competent in quality assurance and food safety. </OL>Products: Food Science Program leading to two-year Associate in Applied Science Degree. Curriculum for seven new Food Science courses: Introduction to Food Science, Food Microbiology, Contemporary Issues in Food Science, Quality Control in Food Science, Meat Evaluation, Product Evaluation, and HACCP Training.

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NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: <BR> Measurable Outcomes: Student success in achieving career goals and meeting workplace needs: 1. 100 percent of students accepted in the program will complete the program of study. 2. Annually, 75 percent of completers will enter employment in the field of study. 3. Annually, 25 percent of completers will enter 4-year programs in the field of study. <BR> Improved quality of education (including competencies/skills of program completers): 1. Articulation agreements will be in place with Iowa State University and South Dakota State University prior to start of the Program's first semester of classes. 2. Each summer, 15 high school Ag teachers will participate in food science workshops at Hawkeye's Summer Ag Education Academy. 3. Students in each Food Science Program course will improve in pre- and post-testing of industry-guided technical competencies and skills. 4. Students in each Food Science Program course will successfully demonstrate soft skills such as written and oral communication and team building. 5. Each year, 100 percent of second year students will be HACCP-trained. <BR> Students encouraged to pursue degrees in food and agricultural science: 1. Each year, approximately 1,125 prospective students will be subjects of on-campus Food Science Program marketing and web-based program awareness. 2. Twice-yearly, Iowa Ag teachers will receive program information via email. 3. Each year, high school counselors and Ag educators in Hawkeye's region will receive literature promoting the Food Science Program. 4. Each year, approximately 4,500 students, educators, and industrial representatives at state-level events, and approximately 50,000 at national-level events, will be subjects of Food Science Program promotion and awareness. 5. 10 students will enter the program the first year and 15 students yearly thereafter.

<P>APPROACH: To manage the project, Mr. Scott Ermer will serve as Project Director. Ermer will oversee program development and marketing planning, project reporting, and curriculum writing, which will be the undertaking of Co-Project Director Amanda Everts and Michaela Rich, faculty members respectively from the College's ANR and Natural Sciences Departments. Fiscal management will be the responsibility of Hawkeye's Business Office and the College's Grants/Projects Management Department. Overall, resources necessary to carry out the proposed project are the time and expertise of Hawkeye's ANR, Natural Sciences and Marketing Departments. Additionally, resources will be needed for start-up materials in microbiology, meat processing, and meat chemistry labs, as well as some travel and materials costs for program planning and marketing. All resources for the proposed project will be provided by the SPEC funding request or by the College's matching funds. Upon rollout of the Food Science program, further resources will be derived from tuition and from the College's general operating fund. 1. Form Advisory Committee of secondary and college faculty and industry to provide program input. 2. Gather industry input on necessary skills/competencies, to design program and course content and learner outcomes. 3. Begin consultation with area four-year programs to review programs and define elements needed for articulation. 4. Develop model Food Science Program of Study; write curricula for new courses. 5. Present Food Science Program of Study and new courses to Hawkeye Curriculum Committee for review and approval. 6. Submit program to Iowa Dept of Education for review and approval. 7. Purchase program start up materials and supplies; outfit labs and classrooms. 8. Develop and implement program marketing and recruitment plan. 9. Conduct Summer Ag Ed Academies to promote content and program. 10. Develop internship positions in regional food industries. 11. Finalize articulation with Iowa State and South Dakota State Universities. 12. Enroll and register first students. 13. Evaluate SPEC activities and results. 14. Disseminate SPEC grant-funded results. 15. Submit required Performance Reports. <BR> Evaluation Plans - To assess measurable outcomes the following methods will be used: 1)Data for program-related outcomes(enrollment, completion, transfer to four-year programs, and entry into employment)will be documented and reported by the College's Department of Institutional Research, using Datatel information system. 2)Data for outcomes related to improved quality of education (technical competencies, soft skills, HACCP-trained) will be measured, documented, and reported by course instructors. 3)Data for other outcomes will be assessed according to varying metrics, such as articulation documents, attendance and event logs, mailings, and website hits.

Ermer, Scott
Hawkeye Community College
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